Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lab 3

Identify 5 plants, 5 shrubs, and 5 trees that are native to North America.
 Aloe Vera 
Aloe Barbadensis 
 Mexican Petunia 
Ruellia brittoniana
Chrysanthemum morifolium
Elephant Ear
Rhododendron minus
Japanese Privet
Ligustrum japonicum
Common Privet 
Ligustrum vulgare
Ilex paraguariensis
Hydrangea macrophylla
 Snowball Bush
Viburnum opulus
 Ginkgo Tree
Ginkgo biloba
Magnolia grandiflora
 Crepe Mrytle
Lagerstroemia indica
 Long Leaf Pine
Pinus palustris
Pecan Tree
Carya illinoinensis

Lab 2

The map above is a map of the river transect data.
The map above indicates the number of clams found at various points across the river.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Lab 1

Cartography: Types of Maps
Isarithmic maps are designed to help depict a particular trend within a geographical area. Isarithmic maps have contour lines separating the differences in trends.  Isarithmic maps are also known as contour maps.  These trends can be "physical, social, political, cultural, economic, sociological, agricultural, or any other aspects of a city, state, region,nation , or continent."  Isarithmic maps usually show a smooth continuous trend.  The example above is an isarithmic map of barometric pressure.

Dot density maps use dots to represent the presence of a certain trend or phenomena.  Each dot represents a one-to-one ratio or a one-to-many ratio.  The more concentrated the dots, the more data in that area.  Dot density maps can be used to show the population in certain areas. The picture above is an example of a dot density map. 

Chloropleth maps are based on a predefined areal units such as countries and states.  Chloropleth maps are specifically used for showing records of the census or the percentage of republicans or democrats in a given state.  The picture above is an example of a chloropleth map.

 Above is the image of an Isarithmic Map of The Annual Precipitation in Georgia.

Above is an image from Google Earth of my "HAPPY PLACE". It is located in Ponce Inlet, Florida.

The above shaded area is from Google Earth of my family's home and land.
The above line is the walking path that Michael and I walk every afternoon that we can after work together for our exercise. The path begins at his home and then ends at McDonalds. We then return home on the same path.

The Blue Macaw

The blue macaw is native to eastern and central South America.  This species is also know as the Hyacinth Macaw.  It is the largest macaw and the largest species of flying parrots.  Due to humans capturing these beautiful birds and destroying their habitats, the blue macaw is considered an endangered species. 

The blue macaw is a fascinating creature.  My love for this bird began when I watched the animated feature "Rio".  The main character in this movie is a blue macaw that had been taken away from his home of Rio de Janeiro as an infant by trappers who later returns to Rio as an adult to mate with a female blue macaw to preserve their species.  The two blue macaws face obstacles on the way.  As with all animated movies, the two blue macaws live happily ever after in Rio de Janeiro.